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Nesting wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets

Wasps, hornets and yellow jackets are flying insects that can not only sting, but bite as well. They are a frequent nuisance during summer months, invading outdoor events, barbecues, and swimming areas. The last thing you want is for yourself or a loved one to have a run-in with a group of these bad boys.


Paper Wasp

The least aggressive of the group, paper wasps build unmistakable comb-shaped nests in eaves, patio furniture and fences. While they are considered beneficial due to their roles as natural biocontrol, their painful sting and territorial nature can be considered an unacceptable risk around the home.

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets, often called "meat bees," are a very aggressive stinging and biting insect, that will mark victims with pheromones to alert other yellow jackets to attack. Some make aerial nests in trees, however the most common yellow jacket in Contra Costa County will make their nests underground. They can be discovered by unfortunately stepping too close to the entrance and alerting the hive.


Hornets are a cousin of yellow jackets. They are very similar in nature, but have slightly different characteristics: Hornets are slightly larger, have more black/brown in their coloring, tend to prey on insects as opposed to sweets, build nests in trees rather than underground. They are very rare in California.